📄️ Getting Started with Scripting in XR Creator
Get to know the "Behavior" element and write your first script.
📄️ Using the Lifecycle Hooks
Lifecycle hooks are an essential part of scripting, allowing you to define behavior at specific points during the lifecycle of an object.
📄️ Execution Order of Behaviors
The execution order of Behaviour elements, plays a crucial role in determining when and how each script is executed in relation to other objects in the scene.
📄️ Sharing data between Behaviors
The scripting runtime also implements the ability to share data and logic between different Behavior elements using the import and export preprocessor directives.
📄️ Dynamic Imports
Dynamic imports take the data-sharing capabilities of the import directive a step further by enabling you to load external libraries or modules dynamically at runtime.
📄️ Conditional Compilation
Conditional compilation allows you to control the inclusion or exclusion of code blocks based on specific conditions before the script is executed.